
  • Physiotherapy Assessment For Female Urinary Incontinence

    Based on adequate physiotherapeutic diagnostics a proper patient selection and consequent pelvic floor muscle training will have a high cure/improvement rate, also lo ...

    01:28:00 Hours English
  • Pelvic physiotherapy for pelvic pain and female sexual dysfunction: an untapped resource?

    This webinar provides medical doctors, physical therapists, nurses and other health providers, evidence-based biological rationale and clinical relevant hands-on training about diagnostics and conservative treatment in women with (chronic) pelvic pain(C)PP and sexual ...

    00:31:58 Hours English
  • Urine incontinence

    Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is the most common form of incontinence impacting on quality of life (QOL) and is associated with high financial, social, and emotional costs. In this webinar it is demonstrated that in SUI, to improve the extrinsic closing mechanism ...

    00:53:00 Hours English
  • Urgency urinary incontinence and overactive bladder

    The development of the symptom urgency is complex and fits a heterogeneous patient group. Overactive bladder (OAB) is a symptom complex with urgency as the most compelling symptom. So, OAB patients suffer from urgency, but not all patients with urgency have OAB. This ...

    01:11:00 Hours English
  • The 5Fs concept for pelvic floor disfunctions

    To ensure an adequate sequence in pelvic floor muscle training the concept of the 5 Fs, i.e., Find-Feel-Force-Follow-through-Functional training of pelvic floor muscles was introduced by Bary Berghmans, PhD MSc RPT, associate profesor. Awareness (Find and Feel) of th ...

    00:56:18 Hours English
  • Biofeedback and Pelvic Floor rehabilitation

    Pelvic physiotherapy including biofeedback appears to be effective in the assessment and treatment of pelvic floor dysfunctions. Based on adequate physiotherapeutic diagnostics including biofeedback a proper patient selection who will benefit most of biofeedback ther ...

    01:13:16 Hours English